"Create high-performance teams that deliver technological solutions with excellence and simplicity" is our mission!

About T2S

T2S has been a pillar in custom system development since 2003. With a strong academic DNA since our inception, we strive to capture the best talents and create high-performance teams.

Our culture promotes open and collaborative communication, which stimulates creativity and innovation. We use agile methodologies and design thinking to structure our processes, aligning ourselves with our mission to deliver technological solutions with excellence and simplicity. The result? A team that delivers 100% of projects, no matter how challenging they may be.

Come discover how we can solve your technological challenges.


At T2S, leadership is not just about management; it's about inspiration, innovation, and education. Partners Ricardo and Rodrigo bring a unique blend of business and academic experience, serving not just as pillars of the company, but also as university professors. This fusion of worlds allows T2S to be an incubator for fresh ideas and practical solutions.

As entrepreneurs, our partners have the vision and audacity to tackle complex challenges, always seeking ways to innovate and grow. They understand the nuances of the market and are always one step ahead, anticipating needs and creating solutions.

As university professors, they are committed to disseminating knowledge and nurturing the next generation of tech talent. This passion for education permeates the entire organization, creating an environment where continuous learning is not just encouraged, but celebrated.

This rare blend of entrepreneurship and academia creates a dynamic culture that attracts talent, stimulates innovation, and delivers exceptional results for our clients.


The driving force behind every successful project, innovative solution, and satisfied client is our team. At T2S, we believe that talented people, when aligned with the right values and principles, can achieve extraordinary feats.

Our values of qualified training, cooperation, commitment with responsibility, ethics, and excellence with agility and simplicity are not just words on a wall. They are the DNA of our culture, influencing every decision, interaction, and delivery.

The same goes for our principles, which range from adapting software to processes to fostering a fun and friendly work environment. These principles help us keep focus on what's truly vital: creating value for our clients and ourselves.

Guided by these values and principles, our team members become more than just employees; they become brand ambassadors for T2S. They are encouraged to communicate openly, embrace changes as opportunities, and prioritize quality at every step.

The result is a team that not only meets expectations but surpasses them, consistently delivering top-notch technological solutions, regardless of the challenges that arise.

In summary, our team is the heart of T2S, and it is through alignment with our values and principles that we continue to set the standard for excellence in our sector.

Our Values

Training with Qualification

We understand that education is vital. We establish a career plan for our team members that prioritizes both undergraduate education and ongoing learning. Simultaneously, we have a mechanism to encourage self-learning for leveling up and improving technical and professional qualifications. We also promote interaction with educational institutions, offering flexible schedules so that our team members can teach classes or participate in academic projects.

We see this practice as an excellent opportunity to get closer to emerging talent, and we know that sharing knowledge brings manifold benefits, not just to professionals but to the company as well.


Only with honesty and transparency can a trusting relationship be established, which is key for accurate, rich, and collaborative communication. Ethics play a pivotal role in this process, and we ensure this through an internal conduct manual that addresses attitudes and behaviors we deem vital in professional relationships.


Collaboration is key in knowledge management and forms the basis of excellence in multidisciplinary teams. We pursue cooperation by employing some of the most modern tools in the market, complemented by tools we develop ourselves. Through these tools, we encourage collaboration while simultaneously documenting everything that is important.

Excellence with Agility and Simplicity

We believe that the simplest solutions are more efficient and effective, but they require much more effort. Aware that the market demands agility, we aim to structure our development processes in short and iterative phases, allowing for continuous optimization stages for the artifacts.

Commitment with Accountability

We believe that commitment, in terms of the success of a project, is even more important than processes or methodology. We ensure commitment to deadlines by using productivity indicators, and to quality by utilizing a separate department to conduct compliance checks and pre-approve tasks before they are submitted to users.

Our Principles

1. It's the software that should adapt to the company, not the other way around

2. We should always prioritize user experience

3. Requirements change, and they are opportunities for improvement

4. Commitment is important, technical fundamentals even more so

5. The more knowledge we share, the more knowledge we gain

6. Make friends, not colleagues. Have fun, don't work

7. Quality is not an accident, but the result of intelligent effort. It's more about "good enough" than "right or wrong"

8. Keep it simple

Our numbers

+300 projects

+500.000h programming

Present in 14 states of Brazil and in Argentina

We serve more than 140 companies

100% of projects delivered

Our History

March 2023

T2S celebrates its 20th anniversary (or 10100₂ years for those in the know🤓)

May 2022

T2S receives the international award "Brazilian Company of the Year 2022"

June 2021

T2S is awarded "Highlight of the Year in Excellence and Innovation in Port Technology" organized by ASSMERCOSUL

June 2019

Headquarters move to Santos / SP

June 2018

T2S receives Academic Recognition Award at FatecLOG 2018 organized by Fatec Baixada Santista - Rubens Lara

October 2014

Expansion of the headquarters, with the operational base set up in a new room

March 2013

T2S turns 10 years old (or 1010₂ for those in the know🤓)

April 2012

Headquarters move to Praia Grande / SP

May 2011

T2S ranks 11th in the list of the 50 fastest-growing channels in Brazil according to a study by IT Media / Advance Consulting

May 2008

T2S awarded in Reference Channels 2008 in the category "Best performance in business applications"

February 2006

New visual identity

March 2003

Founded under the name TERA Technology Solutions and Systems